Working Process
Recruiters, Check our Job assignments and start working on them to earn more money and All Your Jobs Will Appear On Your Dashboard That You Can Easily Manage And Control.
Search Job AssignmentsWorking Process
Post a Job for Free and set the Recruiter's Fee.
After a 2 Step quality check by Arab Recruiters, receive qualified CV’s sourced by professional recruiters.
Arab Recruiters Dashboard will let you track candidates and shortlisting process.
Evaluate your decision within 30 days of hiring, After a successful hire the employer shall pay for the placement.
Post jobs absolutely for free.
Set your own price as Recruiter Fee for each job you post.
The huge network of Independent Recruiters work and source candidate for you every minute.
No more up-front payment on Job Portals, Pay on Placement only when you hire candidate successfully on Arab Recruiters.
Each applicant is screened and filtered in by
1) Professional Recruiters
2) Arab Recruiter Quality Operations Team who are experts in recruitment.
All your jobs will appear on your Dashboard that you can easily manage and control.